What causes Ajirna (Indigestion)

Misery of the Modern-day Man

A healthy body is a healthy mind, and a healthy mind is a healthy life. But seldom do we see people living it out, enjoying and spreading the happiness by their lifestyle. What stops them? What is it that lies at the bottom of people not ‘feeling good’? If you ask that to anyone from our grand parents’ generation, the answer will most assuredly be connected to diet and lifestyle. It is true without any doubt. Sedentary routines, irregular sleeps, fast food and stress are the terms that have been ruling the present generation.

It all boils down to not having a proper diet and consistency in daily routines. A progressive life demands active control of your livelihood habits. Unfortunately most of us are unable to spare time for that. Fortunately, some people are realising the importance of Ayurveda (literally meaning Vedic knowledge of livelihood). They are also incorporating it in their lives.

Why’s and How’s

According to Ayurveda, a proper diet and consistent life routine is the key to good health. As it seems obvious, a mismanaged diet or even an irregular lifestyle directly reflects on our digestive health. Indigestion, also called Ajirna (Ayurvedic term) is one of the easiest and most prevailing aliments to catch in today’s fast-paced world. So, what exactly is Ajirna?

In simple words, any digestive discomfort which is caused by excess gas or imbalance in stomach acids is collectively termed as Ajirna.

When we eat, we naturally swallow some air along with the food. Also, sometimes, because of irregular eating habits, if the food stays in the stomach for a prolonged time, it continues to break down but doesn’t move easily through the digestive tract. This causes unpleasant gases to build up in the stomach and induces a bloated feeling.

Our digestive system runs in cycles. The acid build-up in our gut, salivation, release of gut enzymes and contraction of the intestines, and many such processes occur in cycles. Irregular eating habits can also cause this cycle to get confused and lead to avoidable consequences. Acid reflux is the most common kind of reaction towards untimely eating habits and it happens when your stomach is ready to digest some food, but you delay your urge to eat some.

A Common Solution?

I think you already have the answer by now. But it seems, against the best of our knowledge, most of us are unable to put the solution into practice. Here is where Dhouti-Yog comes in the picture. Dhouti-Yog Churna and Tablet therapies are a simple and straightforward way to cancel out the harm that is caused by our lifestyle routines.